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Nicolle posted in: Memset News Business

We're pleased to announce that you can now edit your firewall rules on the Memset website. We are always looking to add new functionality to the Memset control panel, and we're particularly happy with the new firewall editor because it has been one of our most requested features.

The new tools allow you to re-use the same firewall rule group for multiple servers, This can cut down on duplication, and make sure that your firewalling configuration is consistent.

We've updated the shopping basket so that you can specify the rule group when ordering a new server. Your new server will be provisioned with the requested firewall rules.

To get started, log into the Memset control panel, and head to the firewalling overview page. There's more information about the tools on the firewalling documentation pages.

If you'd rather write a script than use the web interface, then check out the firewalling API.

For customers who feel confident managing their firewall configuration themselves using the new firewalling tools, we are launching a Self-managed firewalling level. If you are using our basic firewall, and you would like to upgrade, then please contact our sales team.