Memset are recognised as a new breed of SME supplying hosting services to the public sector. As a government-approved supplier, we can be found on the G-Cloud 11 framework.
We offer a full cloud service portfolio, working with a wide range of public sector verticals and organisations. Your data will always be retained in one of our UK based ISO accredited data centres, providing you with UK data sovereignty and peace of mind. Memset shares the government’s own cloud vision—to expand cloud solutions and services rapidly as a means to serve our end users more cost-effectively and inspire greater agility
We employ innovative approaches, open source software and massive automation to ensure fast and efficient delivery of your cloud infrastructure. As an IaaS/PaaS provider, whether it’s public, private or hybrid cloud our core cloud services are ‘OFFICIAL’ accredited and some PSN ‘PROTECTED’ services within our high-security estate.
We are here to help Central Government, Local Government, Healthcare, Education and Industry, including the Cabinet Office, the Home Office and the MOJ, reap the benefits of agile cloud-based delivery.

Working together with:

The Problem
The customer’s design required both an Internet-facing, publicly accessible deployment and a PSN-connected, high-security element, and to treat the PSN-facing infrastructure as the higher-security half of a two-domain security architecture.
The Solution
By partnering with Memset, our customer, a large system integrator were able to make use of the Memset Internet to PSN Gateway to enable agile, cost-effective and high-bandwidth interaction between infrastructure deployed in the Corporate (Internet-facing) and PSN-connected zones.