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Nicolle posted in: Memset News Developer

Memstore is our brand new cloud storage solution based on the open source software project OpenStack Object Storage. Memstore is a redundant, scalable object storage where you can store safely and securely petabytes of information, and then get that information back in the easiest way.

Memstore's main interface is the OpenStack Object Storage API, that allows you to enable any application to use your cloud storage over HTTP and Secure Socket Layer. That's a standard you can find in any OpenStack based provider and it's an open door to all the OpenStack open source ecosystem.

Besides that, we have worked hard to provide extra interfaces that can be used from existing applications without special modifications or further development on your side, so you can start storing your files immediately. These extra interfaces are based in well known established standards: SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) and FTP (File Transfer Protocol), available by default in all modern operative systems.

We believe in open source software and open standards. Whether you want to get the most of Memstore using the API and our CDN service or just start using the cloud storage with your existing applications, we're confident that Memstore can be the perfect solution for your cloud storage needs.