Partner Apikey Methods


Create a new key for managing an individual product.

Returns the same as

Raises :

ApiErrorAccountDoesNotExist if account_name does not match any of the accounts associated with the calling partner.

Raises :

ApiErrorServiceDoesNotExist if product does not match the name of any active product which is managed by the partner, on any account associated with the calling partner.

  • account_name (String) – The name of the account to create the API key for. Ensure this value has at most 20 characters.
  • service (String) – The name of the service to scope the API key to. Ensure this value has at most 255 characters.
  • methods (List, Optional) – A list of methods the API key is scoped to, an empty list allows all methods, default allows all.
  • comment (String) – A comment to associate with the API key. Ensure this value has at most 255 characters.

Returns a list of API keys in associated accounts which are enabled.

Raises :ApiErrorAccountDoesNotExist if account_name is provided and does not match the name of any account associated with the calling partner.
Parameters:account_name (String, Optional) – The name of the account to limit results to. Ensure this value has at most 20 characters.
Returns:A list of dictionaries in the same format as

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