.. meta:: :description: This documentation will guide you through the use of the Memset API. .. index:: double: Methods; invoice .. _invoice: Invoice Methods --------------- API for Invoice Methods. .. function:: invoice.info Gets details for the invoice with reference number `ref` :param ref: The invoice number :type ref: Integer :returns: A dictionary with the following keys: **ref** Integer: A unique reference to identify this invoice **amount** Float: The amount for this invoice **currency** String: The currency of this invoice **vat** Float: The VAT for this invoice **status** String: The status of the invoice **proforma** Boolean: Whether this is a proforma **payment_method** String: The payment method of this invoice **items** List of three tuples (Item description, amount, period): The items on the invoice. **date** Date: The date of the invoice :raises: :class:`ApiErrorDoesNotExist` if the invoice does not exist. .. function:: invoice.list Retrieves details for invoices according to the search parameters. :param date_gte: Invoice date on or after :type date_gte: Date, Optional :param date_lte: Invoice date on or before :type date_lte: Date, Optional :param status: The status of the order Acceptable values: 'NEW', 'AWAITING-PAYMENT', 'RENEWAL', 'REFUND', 'CANCELLED', 'DONE', 'PROCESSING'. :type status: String, Optional :returns: list of dictionaries as described in :func:`invoice.info`. Empty if no invoices found for the given parameters.